Dr Alison Merrick

ScarWork Therapy

“SCARWORK™ is the brainchild of Sharon Wheeler of Seattle, U.S. Originally trained by Ida Rolf, Sharon has been a Rolfer for 40 years. During this time she has developed an approach to working with scars that has only been available as a training in the UK since 2014.

More than a series of techniques, ScarWork™ is an approach to reconfiguring the soft tissues, normally reducing the adhesions left by the scarring and improving the scar’s appearance. Adhesions connect structures that should not be connected; this can restrict mobility and organ function, and create pain. Sharon teaches ScarWork™ around the world and it is becoming known as the scar therapy training of choice. ScarWork™ is a gentle therapy, easy on the therapist and the client, employing the lightest of touch. This may seem counter-intuitive as the old approach used to be one of ‘breaking down’ scar tissue, but the light touch is effective and painless.’’ (Courtesy of Jan Trewartha Accredited ScarWork™ Tutor bodyinharmony.org.uk)

Alison has been working with early post-surgery/trauma/wound recovery and longer term established scar tissue resolution for many years.